I got my Apex up and running (check the addition to the sig). It is probably the best/worst thing I've ever done to my tank. I spend way too much time checking my parameters on my phone, and since I don't have any dosing pump set up, its not really like anything is going to change.
I got the Apex setup online fairly easily. Email set up was a little annoying, it took me a while to figure out that my gmail was treating the messages as spam. Here's a shot of my cabinet with the Apex and wireless game adapter.

Now I've got good news and bad news....

BAD NEWS.... The ReefDynamics skimmer kicked the bucket after just a week of use. The pump had a short in it which caused it to continously trip the GFCI. I plugged it into another outlet (probably not too smart...) and it ran for a week before finally burning itself out. John over at Marine Solutions took it back with out any issues (Which I am eternally grateful for). I have also lost 2 Chromis... 1 of them had a "lucky" fin that I didn't catch when I got him, he only lasted a couple days before disappearing. The second one rode the porcelain express this afternoon, I found him stuck to a powerhead when I got home from work. The peppermint shrimp may also be gone, I found 1 the day after I added them with a missing head, and have yet to see the other two that I added.

GOOD NEWS... I ordered a Reef Octopus Skimmer today, and some float switches to control my ATO.
Also, I'm working on a DIY break out box. I'll post some pictures when I get some more work done on it. Radio Shack had almost all the parts I needed, so now I'm waiting for some stuff I ordered online.